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100% digital end-to-end customer journeys for:

Authorities/eGovernment »

Banking »

Insurances »

Digital & individual invoicing with Twint connection & further functions for:

Energy providers »

Standardize your HR processes - 100% digital!

Human Resources »


From strategy consulting to project implementation:

Expertise »


We are your specialists when it comes to the following topics:

Online forms »

Digital signature »

Digital 360° communication »


We stand by your side!

Service Desk »

Plattform Status »

Application sections, forms and contracts 100% digital



Sign digitally with legal validity




Digital customer communications on all channels



Ready for a new challenge? Become part of our team!

Career »

Get to know us and our team:

Who we are »

We embody our values - be a part of it.

Values »


Ready for a new challenge? Become part of our team!

Who we are

ajila designs and develops digital experiences and generates added value through smart software and teamwork. Our clients are incredibly diverse and at home in many industries such as banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, industry, energy, retail and the public sector. The projects are extremely exciting, multinational and always different. We live a culture with a lot of personal responsibility, self-determination, continuous learning, being allowed to make mistakes and a DNA of realizing something great together with the customer as a team.


Job offers

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Each employee, with his or her talent and personality, is the key to the success of our company. All of them make their valuable contribution and can realize their professional goals with us and grow with new challenges.

But it's not just the exciting work environment that will let you realize your potential, the attractive fringe benefits and modern Ajila Home is designed to meet the needs of our current and future teammates.

Glückskatze Icon


Kaffee, Tee, Fruchtsäfte und Pausenbrote sind kostenlos verfügbar. Neben dem spannenden Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Sie Ihr Potenzial ausschöpfen können, sind die attraktiven Sozialleistungen und das moderne Ajila Home auf die Bedürfnisse unserer aktuellen und zukünftigen Mitarbeiter abgestimmt. Für Ihr Handy Abo, Halbtax und Parkplatz bieten wir Ihnen auch modernste Hardware.

Eule Icon


Everyone is responsible for their own development, but we'll help you do it! A comprehensive internal and external training program will help you get ahead in life. In addition to the support of your coach, we will also help you financially to cope with the training and further education.



Our flexible working models allow you to focus on your family, friends and hobbies in addition to your job. You decide when and where you work. Of course, always in the interest of the customer.



Time for innovation and creativity. This is where you can get involved. In order to meet the future demands of the digital world, we can be inspired by your ideas.



A high degree of personal responsibility and self-leadership is required. Due to the flat organizational structures, you will be part of small, rather holocratically managed teams. You can make a strong contribution and acquire various skills in your role.



Google or Facebook? No, ajila sets the new trend in office design. Our workplaces are designed with high quality in mind, and we also provide many areas to linger and gather. Make yourself at home.



6 Wochen Ferien, 9 bezahlte Feiertage, Freitage bei Jubiläum und runden Geburtstagen, Vaterschaftsurlaub, Private Versicherungen, Gewinnbeteiligung und generell grosszügige Leistungen sollen nebst der fairen Lohnstruktur noch mehr den geleisteten Einsatz honorieren.



Ob Geburtstag, Jubiläum, Weihnachten oder den Abschluss eines Projektes - Wir haben immer einen Grund zum Feiern. Mitarbeiter Ausflüge und Anlässe fördern unser Teamgedanken.

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