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100% digital end-to-end customer journeys for:

Authorities/eGovernment »

Banking »

Insurances »

Digital & individual invoicing with Twint connection & further functions for:

Energy providers »

Standardize your HR processes - 100% digital!

Human Resources »


From strategy consulting to project implementation:

Expertise »


We are your specialists when it comes to the following topics:

Online forms »

Digital signature »

Digital 360° communication »


We stand by your side!

Service Desk »

Plattform Status »

Application sections, forms and contracts 100% digital



Sign digitally with legal validity




Digital customer communications on all channels



Ready for a new challenge? Become part of our team!

Career »

Get to know us and our team:

Who we are »

We embody our values - be a part of it.

Values »

More resources. More efficiency. More customers.

Thanks Digitization!

We transform your processes into 100% digital customer experiences. From data input, to contract generation, to digital signature and individual customer communication, we offer your customers a fully digital end-to-end customer journey.

So that paper forms, rigid PDFs and analog processes will soon be history

ajila enables companies to digitize business processes from simple to complex online forms, contracts and customer communication solutions, to legally valid, electronic signatures. 100% digital and without media breaks.

Industries & Topics

100% digital End-To-End Customer Journey for the following industries:

Digital & individual Invoicing with Twint-Connection & more functions for:

Standardized HR processes without Media breaks:

We digitize for over 20 years

From strategy consulting to project implementation

Our specialists offer professional support and provide solutions to digitization issues. Professional consulting and planning support with a proven methodology can help to successfully realize the project.

The right mix of experience, competence & technology

Von Anfang an hat sich die ajila AG der Digitalisierung von Unternehmensprozessen verschrieben. Neben dem langjährigen Know-How haben wir in den letzten Jahren eigene Plattformen entwickelt, welche den Fokus auf den digitalen Daten-Input, das automatische Generieren von Dokumenten, sowie die digitale Signatur richtet. Wir verschmelzen Know-How und Technik zu einer 100% digitalen End-To-End Customer Journey.


Let's talk about digitization.

We are happy to hearing from you

Happy customers

We are proud to have been designing digital business processes and customer communications of great companies from a variety of industries since 2003.

Versicherungen _ Concordia
Versicherungen _ AXA
Automobil _ AMAG
Versicherungen _ Helvetia
Energie _ ABB
Energie _ AEW
Sonstige _ Bilfinger
Behörden _ Kanton Aargau
Einzelhandel _ Coop
Banking _ CS
Energie _ EKZ
Transport _ Galliker Transport
Behörden _ SECO
Einzelhandel _ Migros
Behörden _ Jura
Versicherungen _ Sanitas
Banking _ UBS
Behörden _ Arma Suisse

Strong partners

Benefit from our excellent relationships with our renowned partners from day one.

Logo - Swisscom
Logo - Adobe
Logo - SAP
Logo - Opentext

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